Posted on 10/8/2016

There are three things that are certain in life; death, taxes, and that our car will get worn down. No matter how much you drive your car or where you drive it time will eventually take its toll on your car and the components keeping it running. These problems with your car can also strike at any time. It can be dust in the air, a pothole in the road, or braking too much as you drive down the highway. All of it adds up to a damaged and worn down car. That’s why we make multi-point vehicle inspections one of the services we offer. A multi-point inspection is essentially a little tender loving care for your car. There’s not much better than bringing in one of our trained and experienced service technicians take a look at your car and let you know about any problems before they can become costly repairs. They have the experience to let you know about any issue; perhaps there is a clog in your air filter that means it needs to be replaced even though you’ve not had it t ... read more
Posted on 10/3/2016

If your tires and under-inflated it can cause flat tires, blowouts, skids, and lengthen the stopping distance of your car. Unfortunately it can be hard to tell when tires are under-inflated because you might not be able to tell until they are seriously under-inflated and the pressure gets below 20lbs. Modern cars and trucks these days are often equipped with a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS). This technology has been used for years by race car drivers but only recently made its way into the wider commercial world. Race crews use this technology to nip tire pressure problems in the bud by monitoring tire pressure as a car goes around a track. Of course these TPMS aren’t free. Studies done by the US government estimate how much you can expect a TMPS system to cost; taking in to account the cost of the system itself, keeping the system maintained, replacing broken parts, and other cost increases. These costs are offset because you’ll save money on fuel and tire wear ... read more
Posted on 10/2/2016
While a used car will be brand new to you it was used by someone else before and there are many different reasons that people sell their cars. Some people sell their car because they want to get a new one, while others sell because they really want to get rid of their old one. For some people it’s a bit of both. The important thing is that you need to know what you’re getting. If a used car has a low mileage then it’s often a lease return, a corporate car, or a former rental car. If the car is so new that it still has its warranty and between 25-35k miles then this is a good sign. Even so, you still need to know how well the car was maintained. If you’re going to be sticking with a car for the long haul then you need to keep up with the maintenance so that you aren’t left paying for expensive repairs down the line. But if someone knew that they would only have the car for a few years they won’t be so interested in maintaining it. Most people can te ... read more
Posted on 10/2/2016

Indulge me for a second while I tell you about an experience I recently had with one of my favorite restaurants. It’s a Thai place that’s a little off the beaten path; one of those rare hidden gems every city has but barely anyone knows about. I’ve been going there for years so you could imagine how devastated I was to hear that they were changing ownership. I was glad to hear that their head chef would be staying on though because the restaurant had received plenty of rave reviews for making sauces and breads from scratch. It was obvious right away that things were different with the new owners. While the chef and the rest of his team were following the same recipes they were using lower quality ingredients; they were using frozen meat and premade bread. It just wasn’t the same. They lost me as a customer and I wasn’t the only customer they lost. It was the same chef, using the same recipe, but he was using low quality ingredients. If you can understand ... read more
Posted on 10/1/2016

The quality of the air around us always affects us. People these days are more aware of air pollution and how it affects them, but have you ever taken the time to consider the air inside your car? Many cars made since 2000 come with cabin air filters. These filters keep the air in the passenger compartment clean and regulated. They are able to clean dust, pollen and even pollutants out of the air in your car. This is particularly helpful for people who have seasonal allergies. You don’t want to be sneezing when you’re trying to drive! If you’re not sure whether or not your car comes with a cabin air filter then just take a look at the owner’s manual. If there is one then the manual will also contain information about how to replace it when it gets dirty. If you live in an area with a lot of dust, pollen and pollution then we recommend getting your cabin air filter changed on a more frequent basis. If you aren’t sure then just bring it in to us and ask on ... read more
Posted on 10/1/2016

How many times have you had a near-miss, whether as a driver or a pedestrian; that involved some idiot using their phone while driving? Technology has conditioned us to automatically respond instantly whenever our phones make a noise. We also live in a more mobile social environment filled with modern conveniences that make us more likely to try and do more than one thing at once. It’s not that uncommon to see people try and eat food or do their makeup while driving. Studies have shown that around 77% of young adults say they are confident enough to be able to text while driving and 55% of them claimed that it was easy to do. The truth is that only around 2% of people are actually able to multi-task to this degree. Do you think you could fly an F22 at Mach 2 like a fighter pilot? That’s true multitasking. The statistics about distracted driving tell us the truth, and here it is; Most crashes happen within the first three seconds of a driver being distracted Around 23% o ... read more
Posted on 9/30/2016

There’s always the possibility that a vehicle will have a design and/or manufacturing problem, no matter how well made and put together it is. If the problem is serious enough the government will order that the manufacturer issues a recall notice and fixes the problem free of charge. The manufacturer will then attempt to contact everyone who has that particular kind of vehicle so they are aware of the problem. As you can no doubt imagine this is no easy feat. A product recall always affects safety so you should always take them seriously. The good news is that it’s pretty easy to find out your car has been recalled or not. The government actually host links on their own website where you can find out including There are also a number of other websites with this recall information on including, and Recalls are always serious business but the good news is that they are also quite rare. There are also smalle ... read more
Posted on 9/28/2016

It’s important that you take care of your car in October before the temperatures drop so you can avoid being caught out in the cold and stuck with an expensive emergency repair bill. You don’t want to have your car break down in the middle of the cold winter weather. Winter makes the problems your car is having, such as hard starts and sluggish performance, that much worse. Having the car checked at the repair shop or doing all the maintenance yourself is a small investment you can make now to avoid a larger bill should your car break down during extreme weather. The following is your checklist that can help you get your car ready for the cold weather and get peace of mind. For the Heating, Wipers, and Lights Ensure that your heaters, defrosters and wipers are all working correctly Consider purchasing winter wiper blades and always use cold-weather washer fluid. Remember that you should replace the wiper blades on your car ... read more
Posted on 9/17/2016

When your brakes start making a noise you need to listen. When your brakes work properly it keeps your car safe and easy to operate. As such the Car Care Council says you should always check your brakes if you suspect there could be a problem. While it’s definitely a good idea to have your brakes checked once a year to keep them safe this isn’t an excuse to ignore any signs that your brakes need some tender love and care. There are some clear warning signs that you need to have your brakes checked and recognizing these signs keeps everyone that little bit safer. The following key signs are the warning signs that every driver should watch out for. If you spot any of these then you should get your brakes inspected. • Noise: any noise occurring when the brakes are pressed such as screeching, grinding, or clicking • Pulling: when you brake the car pulls to one side • Low Pedal: &ldqu ... read more
Posted on 9/15/2016

When the temperature starts going up during the summer it’s important you can tell if your cooling system needs help. A faulty cooling system is the main reason that vehicles break down during the summer. The Car Council says that the four main signs your cooling system needs help are overheating, leaks, being able to smell antifreeze and having to constantly change the coolant. When you neglect your cooling system it could lead to major damage and could cause your engine to completely shut down and stop your summer trip in its tracks. When you don’t maintain your cooling system it really becomes a question of when it’s going to fail on you. Checking the belts, hoses, water pump, and fluids on a regular basis will keep your car cool and ensure it lasts much longer on the road. The coolant system is important because it gets rid of the heat that the combustion process that powers your engine generates. Coolant can reach temperatures up to (and over ... read more