Posted on 7/23/2021

Big advances in automotive technology have led to the development of high-tech fluids to keep pace. A simple example of this is the cooling system. For decades it was primarily made out of iron, steel and rubber hoses. There was one kind of coolant that protected these components from corrosion. Now cooling system components are made with various metal alloys and plastics. These materials require different additives to protect them from corrosion. Since the materials used vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, we now have a number of different kinds of coolant. And it's important for Gilbert drivers to use the right coolant. If you pour in the wrong kind, it won't protect the cooling system and may even void the warranty. Of course, your friendly and knowledgeable pros at Spectrum Car Care will know the proper coolant to use. If you're concerned you may have use the wrong fluid, be safe and have your friendly and knowledgeable Spectrum C ... read more
Posted on 6/25/2021

High AZ gas prices have hit most of our budgets here in Gilbert. If increased fuel costs are consuming a bigger portion of your budget, you may be tempted to skimp in some other areas – like scheduled maintenance. According to AZ news reports and industry studies, you're not alone. Nine out of ten personal vehicles on the road have at least one maintenance or repair item that hasn't been . Some of these items are serious safety concerns. Others are just more likely to affect the cost of operating your vehicle. In this area, we can take a lesson from professional vehicle owners in the Gilbert area: fleet owners and operators like trucking companies and Gilbert delivery services. Because their livelihood depends on it, they have gotten scheduled maintenance down to a science. And the last thing they skimp on is regular maintenance. Why is that? Well, for one thing they know that routine maintenance prevents repairs and costly breakdowns. They also know t ... read more
Posted on 5/25/2021

Disc brakes are called disc brakes because of the big metal disc – or rotor – that spins with the wheel. The brake pads rub against the rotor to slow the vehicle. In technical terms, the motion energy of the moving vehicle is transferred into heat energy by the brakes. The job of the rotor is to absorb that heat and dissipate it into the atmosphere. To do that effectively, the rotor needs a certain amount of mass (measured by the thickness of the rotor) and a good surface to mate with the brake pads. Let’s talk about those two things. First is the thickness. A new rotor is nice and thick. It can absorb a lot of heat and dissipate it effectively. Over time, the rotor will wear away slightly. If it wears away too much, there is not enough metal to take care of this heat transfer and the vehicle will not brake as well. In fact, each rotor is stamped with the minimum thickness the rotor must have. When the ... read more
Posted on 3/25/2021

Chances are you've had the power go out in your neighborhood at some time, and you know how helpless you feel. No lights, no microwave oven, no cold refrigerator: Yikes, it's like living in another century. Well, your vehicle is also highly dependent on having power for it to run properly. When your battery cables are failing, that power is not transferred as it should be. Battery cables are essentially the wires that connect your vehicle to its battery. The positive cable supplies the power to various components that use them and the negative grounds the system to the vehicle chassis. This setup allows you to have power throughout your vehicle. When a battery cable fails, your vehicle may not start, your starter may turn over very slowly, or you may hear a clicking noise. And you may see your battery warning light go on. Just like a house with no power, a vehicle with no power needs to get it back for things to work the way they sho ... read more
Posted on 2/25/2021

Answer: Well, the dirtier your fuel system is, the bigger the improvement you’ll see in performance and fuel economy. But don’t wait until your engine is running poorly, you’ve wasted hundreds of dollars in gas or maybe even damaged your fuel injectors and catalytic converter. Look, gasoline is a petroleum-based product and will leave some residue, gum and varnish along the way. Some of that can find its way into your fuel injectors and interfere with their job. The fuel injectors do just that – inject fuel into your engine. They spray a precise amount of fuel, at a precise time, in a precise pattern, at a precise pressure. When they are dirty this precision just isn’t possible. So, your engine can run rough. Also, carbon deposits build up on valves and in the combustion chamber. Fuel economy suffers and performance is degraded. These poor conditions allow excess unburned fuel to pass out thro ... read more