Posted on 3/25/2021

Chances are you've had the power go out in your neighborhood at some time, and you know how helpless you feel. No lights, no microwave oven, no cold refrigerator: Yikes, it's like living in another century. Well, your vehicle is also highly dependent on having power for it to run properly. When your battery cables are failing, that power is not transferred as it should be. Battery cables are essentially the wires that connect your vehicle to its battery. The positive cable supplies the power to various components that use them and the negative grounds the system to the vehicle chassis. This setup allows you to have power throughout your vehicle. When a battery cable fails, your vehicle may not start, your starter may turn over very slowly, or you may hear a clicking noise. And you may see your battery warning light go on. Just like a house with no power, a vehicle with no power needs to get it back for things to work the way they sho ... read more