Posted on 5/1/2019

IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR! Time to get ready for the summer! The month of May is around the corner and sooner than later it'll be 100F outside. If your vehicle A/C system is not blowing very cold air you might just need a quick Freon recharge. It's an inexpensive service but it has to be done correctly. Don't get tempted by the DYI stuff that you'll find at the store because the wrong amount (or product) could cause some serious and costly damage to your system. We have the latest and greatest A/C machine that measures and puts the right amount and the right product in the system. As a bonus we also add dye to the product this way if there's a leak we'll see where it's coming from. Of course we're running a $79.99 special - see below. Also it's also a good idea to check your cabin air filter if the air flow coming out of the vents is weak. It's usually located behind the glove compartment ... read more