Posted on 10/1/2020

Heard of synthetic motor oil but would like to learn more information? Well, synthetic motor oil is a substitute for conventional oil. Synthetic doesn’t gel or gum-up like conventional oil and it doesn’t vaporize as easily. It protects better in severe driving conditions like stop and go driving as well as in very hot or very cold conditions. More and more new vehicles are being delivered with full synthetic motor oil – with the recommendation to use synthetic for the life of the vehicle. Why is this? Synthetic motor oil maximizes engine power and fuel economy. To see why we’d need a microscope, so we’ll have to settle for using our imaginations. The molecules of conventional motor oil are long hydrocarbon chains. Synthetic motor oil, on the other hand, has uniform, round molecules. Which is slipperier? – A pile of pencils or a pile of marbles? Synthetic motor oil lubricates better because there&rsqu ... read more