Posted on 9/15/2016

When the temperature starts going up during the summer it’s important you can tell if your cooling system needs help. A faulty cooling system is the main reason that vehicles break down during the summer. The Car Council says that the four main signs your cooling system needs help are overheating, leaks, being able to smell antifreeze and having to constantly change the coolant. When you neglect your cooling system it could lead to major damage and could cause your engine to completely shut down and stop your summer trip in its tracks. When you don’t maintain your cooling system it really becomes a question of when it’s going to fail on you. Checking the belts, hoses, water pump, and fluids on a regular basis will keep your car cool and ensure it lasts much longer on the road. The coolant system is important because it gets rid of the heat that the combustion process that powers your engine generates. Coolant can reach temperatures up to (and over ... read more