Every day millions of people wake up to the sound of ringing, buzzing or beeping; whether from an alarm clock or a smartphone. As long as we can resist the urge to hit the “Snooze” button almost everyone sets aside the time they need in the morning to shower, get dressed, and start the day off right. Over time the whole family sets into a routine and, on a good day, everyone proceeds to the right place at the right time to keep everything moving smoothly.
Every so often the alarm clock doesn’t go off. It’s not been set right or there was a power surge overnight, or you failed to compensate for Daylight Savings Time. No matter why the main thing is that things don’t start off right. You wake up when the sunlight hits your face and you know that you’ve got less time than you need so everyone goes into overdrive and runs around in a bind rush that throws the usual schedule out the window. The alarm clock and what it does to keep your morning routine in check is similar t

o the timing belt or timing chain in your car. When the timing belt or timing chain is working properly it ensures that the intake and exhaust valve open and close properly to keep the engine running smoothly. If this timing is thrown off then the engine doesn’t run properly. Sometimes it even stops completely. Getting your timing belt or timing chain replaced regularly keeps your engine running smooth and prevents engine damage.
Timing chains are more common in modern vehicles because they are tougher than timing belts and they don’t need to be replaced as often as timing belts. Timing chains still wear down over time and this is partly due to wear in the tensioner and guide rails. This can loosen the chain or cause damage to one of the teeth on a cam sprocket which makes the chain slip as a result.
When the timing chain system gets worn down you’ll notice that your car becomes sluggish, uses too much fuel, and doesn’t start properly. It can also cause a number of different noises including a rattle, whine, buzz, or whir. If you notice any of these sounds or problems then bring your car in for us to take a look at. While a good timing chain can often last a few hundred thousand miles they can still be worn and they could still need to be replaced.