Posted on 1/2/2017

The latest survey from AAA suggests that two-thirds of US drivers don’t trust their auto repair shop. They feel that they recommend unnecessary services, overcharge for them, and deliver a bad experience and shoddy work. All of which leads to a lack of confidence. The survey also showed that 64% of drivers were singling out a particular auto repair shop that they didn’t trust, which would suggest that they value finding a trustworthy mechanic in an industry that comes with a lack of trust. It can be stressful to have your vehicle repaired and maintained and the best way to reduce this stress is to find a repair shop that you can really trust. Unfortunately around a third of American drivers don’t have a repair facility that they can trust and are left in the cold if something goes wrong. Given how much data on vehicle health the modern car collects it’s never been so important to have a trusted repair facility. These “connected cars” that come wi ... read more
Posted on 12/31/2016

There are two main reasons that you should be concerned about your wheel alignment. They are safety and money. If your wheels aren’t aligned then it could cause them to pull to one side, often harshly. It could take just a second for you to find yourself in oncoming traffic or pulled off the road. Bad alignments also seriously damage your tires when speeding along the highway. Someone once came into Spectrum Car Center and told us that he knew his wheels weren’t properly aligned before taking a family vacation, but he felt the problem wasn’t serious enough to be addressed before leaving. A few days and a thousand miles later and there was nothing left of his front tires. He lost half a day of his vacation finding a town with a service station that could replace his tires. The wheels of your car need to be in perfect alignment all pointing in the same direction. Every so often your wheels will go out of alignment and pull against the other wheels. It can destro ... read more
Posted on 12/30/2016

The EVAP system on your car is designed to capture vapors and send them to the engine where they get burned. It’s like a built-in recycling system. An EVAP system contains a complicated series of valves, hoses, filters, and the like. An EVAP issue is one of the top five reasons that your Check Engine light will come on. With their knowledge you can count on your friendly Spectrum Car Care service advisor to be able to find out what the problem is and correct it. We have the proper equipment to test the valves and find out where a blockage is. Leaks can be detected through a low pressure smoke test. After finding the fault it’s easy to repair the EVAP system to get it up and running and turn off your Check Engine light. While a damaged EVAP won’t necessarily damage your car, other more serious problems could be hidden by the triggered Check Engine Light. There are many reasons that the light could come on, but just one light. If it is an EVAP issue that caused the l ... read more
Posted on 12/28/2016

There’s nothing more annoying than when something goes wrong and you know it could have been prevented. Here are car problems that can be prevented. Regularly Check your Tires We’ll start with the tires. A problem with your tires is often expensive and inconvenient. You’ll never be lucky enough for your tire to go flat outside the service center. Correcting a flat tire is an expensive hassle and no one wants to fail their safety inspection over a worn tire. That’s why you need to get your tires checked at least once a month. Check that they have the right amount of air pressure and keep an eye out for the signs of wear and tire. Having your tires rotated and aligned will make them live longer too. And it goes without saying that you should have tires replaced before they can become unsafe. Check Your Battery Every Year After the tires comes the battery. Just knowing the age of your battery helps avoid the inconvenience of a dead battery. Car batteries ... read more
Posted on 12/22/2016

You’ve probably heard about synthetic oil and are wondering what it is, and if it’s safe for you to use. Regular oil, which is also known as conventional oil, is a byproduct of dead dinosaurs. The molecules of regular oil are made of long hydrocarbon chains. A good way to think about it is a chain of used and new pencils. Synthetic oil is a kind of highly refined petroleum-based oil. They contain smaller molecules with less size variance, which would be closer to a chain of pencils you get when playing miniature golf. Synthetic oil is commonly man-made and features rounder and more uniform molecules like marbles. So as you make the transition from regular oil to synthetic blends (which is a mixture of synthetic and conventional oil) to fully synthetic oil there would be less friction acting against your engine. The less friction there is the less heat there is, and the better lubricated and protected your engine is. Synthetic blends and fully synthetic oils also come with ... read more
Posted on 12/20/2016

Today we’ll be looking at automotive service schedules; in particular the often overlooked scheduled services. These are known as Unperformed Maintenance. The following is a list of the ten services you shouldn’t overlook. These are all important services that you should pay attention to. So here they are, in no particular order. Power Steering Service Have you really ever considered a power steering service? Power steering takes fluid that builds-up excess moisture and gets dirty over time. Having the power steering cleaned out removes all this dirt and stops the power steering from corroding. Check with your Service Advisor to see if it’s time you had your power steering checked out. Wheel Alignment Your car will start to pull to one side if your wheels come out of alignment. Not only is this annoying but it’s downright dangerous and really damages your tires; leading to costly repairs. Most owner’s manuals come with the recommendation of checking you ... read more
Posted on 12/18/2016

Here's our official Spectrum Car Care paper truck! Attached you will find the paper model of the VW 23-window van with our logo on it. I recommend you print the model on paper of about 200 gr/m2. Standard matte photo paper will do fine. Get your scissors and glue and get started! Click HERE to download the PDF version.
Posted on 11/18/2016
Your car is always going to take a beating unless you keep it stored in a climate-controlled garage and under glass. Everything wears down your auto including the weather, the road, and good old fashioned Father Time. All this wear and tear builds up and damages the car. This is why you need to have a multi-point inspection done to your vehicle. These give you the best method of keeping track of every system on your vehicle and assessing how much maintenance, if any, needs to be done before the problem can become a real issue. You might not remember that time the curb jumped out of you “once” but your car can remember in the form of a worn tire or damaged suspension. These are the kind of problems that a multi-point inspection can uncover. So just what is a multi-point inspection? It’s when all of the essential pieces of your car are inspected. This includes the fluids, the air filters, the brake pads, the batter, and the tires; including a pressure and tread dept ... read more
Posted on 11/16/2016
Let’s talk about serpentine belts, specifically: what they do and how frequently they need to be changed? The serpentine belt is a single, continuous belt that operates multiple devices in an engine including the alternator, air conditioner, water pump, and power steering pump. In engines that have v-belts, individual belts operate these components and the automobile can have up to four different belts. The advantage of a serpentine belt is its efficiency. Having a single belt increases fuel economy and available power. The disadvantage of a serpentine belt is if it breaks several critical functions of the engine are lost and the engine will conk out leaving you stranded. How often do you need to change a serpentine belt? It depends. Serpentine belts are tough so they can handle a lot of wear before they completely fail. Typically, a belt will last around 60,000 to 100,000 miles. That is why a good rule of thumb is to have your belt inspected at 60,000 mile and replaced at ... read more
Posted on 11/15/2016
Avoiding performing recommended maintenance service can come with a hefty price tag. Here are four important steps you can take to protect your vehicle. 1) Change the Oil Regularly First up is the simple oil change. Bottom line – if you change your oil on schedule, your engine will be properly protected. Go past the recommended mileage interval, typically every 3,000 to 5,000 miles depending on driving conditions, and sludge begins to build up in your engine. This sludge can clog small oil passages that keep important parts of the engine from being cooled and lubricated. That is never good for your engine. If your engine has variable valve timing, as most do nowadays, or a turbocharger, then these expensive components are at high risk for failure and expensive replacement. If you’re not sure how often you should change your vehicle’s oil, ask your Service Advisor. 2) Change Timing Belts and Chains Timely Many vehicles come equipped ... read more